Railway at a Glance...
Name: Centerville Swasey and Placer Railroad
Gauge: 1 (45mm)
Scale: 1:20.3 mostly, 1:24
Era: Early 1900's in the Western U.S.
Theme: Logging and mining
Length of Mainline: 360' - 40' sidings
Age: 8 years
Track: Code 250 Aluminum Micro- Eingineering
Maximum Gradient: 6%
Minimum Radius: 3 feet
Size: 70' x 36'
Structures: scratchbuilt, kitbashed, redwood trestle, trusswood bridge
Power: Track power with Radio control
Landscape: miniature scale plants, rocks
Turnouts: Code 250 #4 and #6

East End Of The Railroad
