Shasta Garden Railroad Society

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The following members have passed on
We have been privileged to have known and worked with them: 

Boyd Hammar
Bob Edkin ('Shasta Sam')
Mel Nethery
Art and Joy Spicer
Wayne Moulter
Dorothy Horner
Hollis Huckleberry
Arthur Arnold
Bill Schaflirt
Joyce Zell
Duane and Mary Wainwright
Glenn Hunt
Ron Hill
Pete Sudimack
Paul Israel
Randy Fink



January 19, 2014

By: Rick Marty



Dan asked me to speak this evening in acknowledgement of our members that have left us since the founding of the Shasta Garden Railroad Society.  This being the eighteenth year of our club and about the tenth annual January Dinner Gathering it seemed like an appropriate time to do so.  I will just mention their names and a couple of sentences about each of them and let your memories fill in the open spaces.



1-- Bob Edkin, as I recall, was the first member we lost.  Maybe some remember him better as Shasta Sam of newspaper editorial fame.  Bob was the editor of the Record Searchlight Newspaper for many years and a member of our little group for too few.  Bob was an interesting man that really enjoyed his garden railroad and the large scale train hobby.



2-- Mel Neathery was the next member to leave us.  What can I say about Mel, a founding member of this group he was a man that marched to his own drummer.  For those that knew him you know what I am talking about for those of you that didn’t have the privilege, well I’m sure you have an idea of the type.  Mel and Dorothy had a huge and beautiful garden railroad at their home in Millville and the club members were lucky enough to attend many gatherings there through the years. 


3--Wayne Molter, a quiet guy that didn’t have a garden railroad of his own but dearly loved the hobby and was always willing to pitch in and help anybody with any railroad project.  I think his favorite part of the hobby was keeping the club roster current and accurate to the last comma and making sure at each meeting that everyone had an up to date copy. 


4--Art Spicer was next,  Art came to the SGRS late and only spent a year or two with us and though he built a beautiful garden line in his back yard I think most of us will remember him for his fabulous HO scale layout in a room attached to his garage. 


5--Bill Schaffhirt, what to say about Bill. I think the thing I remember most about Bill was his willingness to instantly drop whatever he was doing and help you do whatever it was that you were trying to do.  Bill seemed to know when you needed help even when you didn’t.  Bill and Dottie were mainstays of this group for many years and I know we all miss them to this day.


6--Duane and Mary Wainwright, founding members and driving forces of this group for many years.  I think we all have fond memories of the July Breakfast Train Meets at the Wainwright’s, and regrets that they will be no more.   Duane was another quiet guy with a wicked, dry, sense of humor that could catch you by surprise and have you rolling on the floor in laughter.  Mary was a gracious lady that loved her garden, and was very knowledgeable and supportive of our railroad hobby.

7--Joyce Zell, I didn’t have the privilege of knowing Joyce well but she was always a gracious hostess opening her home to us when her and Rick hosted a club gathering.  Patty and I did spend a few fun hours with Joyce and Rick in Tacoma, WA in 2011 at the Western Regional Meet.  We shared a couple of meals and a great morning out at Camp 6 logging exhibit before we all had to start for home.


8--Glen Hunt could have starred in the movie “the quiet man” He didn’t say much but when he did it was certainly worth listening to. Very knowledgeable model railroader and train buff.  Unfortunately we, as a club, were only able to see Glen’s great indoor garden railroad once after he had left us, just exceptional craftsmanship.


9--Boyd Hammer, a master model builder and machinist, a real stickler for detail.  A rivet counter you might think, nawww, he worked in 1:29 scale.  Train buff and all around nice guy, one of the most knowledgeable people on Southern Pacific Railroad practice I have ever met.  What an outdoor railroad he had, winding down the mountain side and his “step ladder” overhead indoor lines that wound through the home, just outstanding.



10--Bruce Eaton was only marginally involved with garden railroading his main hobby and love were for his ride on trains and he spent many hours at Train Mountain in Oregon.  Bruce did have an outdoor garden railroad at his home near Shingletown, unfortunately I was never able to see it but other club members were luckier than I, in this respect.



11--Ron Hill, the latest member to leave our ranks.  Ron was unfortunately with the club for way to short a time.  His enthusiasm and joy of the hobby were contagious, and every time I talked with him I found my own interest regenerating.  Ron and Linda, in a very short time created in their back yard one of the finest garden railroads I have ever seen, and it was a joy to visit.   Ron was full of enthusiasm and ideas but he did confide in me once that it was actually Linda that did most of the work. 



These are the people that have been in our Garden Railroad Club lives and have left us.  I’m sure we all have special memories of these people and miss them on a regular basis.  Remember them we should, but we also need to look forward as a club.  We need to increase our clubs exposure in the community, each and every one of us needs to bring someone new to our club activities and convince them to join with us in enjoying this great hobby.


To all those that have left us all I can say is; Thanks for the memories

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