Railway at a Glance...
Name: Trinity Pines & Pacific Railroad
Gauge: 1 (45mm)
Scale: 1:29
Era: 1930's - 1970's
Theme: Mainline
Length of Mainline: 500 feet Eventually 2,000 feet
Age: 3 years
Track: Code 250 Nickel Silver
Maximum Gardient: 2.8%
Minimum Radius: 12 feet
Size: 1/2 an acre
Structures: Common standard Southern Pacific
Power: Track Power
Pictures and captions courtesy of Boyd Hammar.
Approching 5th crossing of Tehachapi Creek just below the loop.
5th crossing bridge.
Approach to loop at west end of Tunnel #9.
Overview of train emerging top end tunnel #9 on Tehachapi Loop.
East end tunnel #9 Tehachapi Loop.
Taking the mainline at W.A. Long - Tehachapi Loop.