Railroad Days was held July 7-9, 2006 in Dunsmuir, California. Our club had our module set-up for all 3 days and we ran a
lot of equipment to run and there was a great turnout.

The Sacramento Valley Live Steamer's track.

The club module all set-up Friday morning.

Dan's climax pulling a log train.

2 live steam shays running on the SVLS track.

DDAX40 #6936, one of the largest diesels ever built and it still operates.

Live steam 2-8-2 running on the SVLS track.

Jay's porter pulling a long train.

S scale modular set-up.

HO scale Roundhouse. Dunsmuir and Cedar Flats Railroad.

Kids always love following the trains around the module.
Dave Hemp's photos of Railroad Days 2006